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5 Books that Will Help You Achieve Your Goals

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The New Year is a great time to put some changes into action and to get a fresh start after closing off another year. However, sometimes it can be hard to stick to your resolutions, especially if you don’t have the right support to do so, or a solid plan to see you through. This is a list of books to help you achieve your New Year’s resolutions. Whether your goal is losing weight, eating healthier, or changing your mindset, there is a book for every genre of New Year’s goal!

Better Than Before: What I Learned About Making and Breaking Habits-to Sleep More, Quit Sugar, Procrastinate Less, and Generally Build a Happier Life by Gretchen Rubin 

Books that will help you achieve your New Year’s resolutions

Better Than Before is a practical guide on how to build new habits and let go of the bad ones. How do you really achieve your New Year’s Resolutions? By reading this book.

This book is valuable for anyone with a New Year’s resolution focused on making positive changes in their life. Gretchen Rubin’s key to making positive change is through building healthy habits. Though a habit may take time to incorporate effectively, once it is set, it becomes easy and natural to continue.

If you are looking to get more sleep, stop constantly checking your phone, or are just trying to finish a long overdue task, this book will help you establish a healthy habit and stick to it!

Happiness Becomes You: A Guide to Changing Your Life for the Good by Tina Turner 

Fulfill your New Year’s resolutions

Everyone wants to be happier. The New Year brings a time that allows us to reflect on life and to see where we may be standing in our own way of being truly happy. Happiness Becomes You will guide you in that journey to truly finding happiness and will set you up for an extraordinary year.

Tina Turner continues to be a bright light, inspiring millions across the globe with her hopefulness and her power to overcome difficulties in her own life. She shares how the principles of Buddhism have influenced her life and helped her to break through adversity, despair, and poverty to rise to stratospheric heights. Pick up this read and glean some of the wisdom Turner has passed on through this uplifting guide.

The Healing Self: A Revolutionary Plan for Wholeness in Mind, Body, and Spirit by Deepak Chopra M.D and Rudolph E. Tanzi Ph.D. 

Woman meditating

Start off your 2022 with a journey to wellness accompanied by this educational read from Deepak Chopra and Rudolph E. Tanzi. The two are leading experts in both neuroscience and integrative medicine and they provide much needed information on reducing chronic stress and inflammation––the main cause of many of society’s most chronic disorders such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension.

Chopra and Tanzi focus on connecting the mind and body and also offer a Seven-Day Action Plan to encourage the reader to build their own personalized self-healing path. This is the perfect book for anyone with a New Year’s resolution focused on self-care looking to cultivate a healthier lifestyle.

Food Fix: How to Save Our Health, Our Economy, Our Communities, and Our Planet-One Bite at a Time by Dr. Mark Hyman, M.D 

Woman buying fruits and vegetables

The start to healthy, ethical eating lies within the pages of this book. Dr. Mark Hyman dives into how you can transform the planet and your body by learning how to source more economically sustainable food.

By exploring how agriculture policy is corrupt and related to obesity, poverty, climate change, and chronic disease, Hyman shows how what you do to your body, you do to the planet. If you had a New Year’s resolution to eat healthier, to go green, or even a goal to do with weight loss, Food Fix is for you.

Mind Over Clutter: Cleaning Your Way to a Calm and Happy Home by Nicola Lewis 

Decluttering a house

This is the ultimate guide to decluttering your home so you can clear your mind. If your New Year’s resolution was to become tidier, you will also have to cultivate a “tidier” mindset. Discover how to sort out your home in a sustainable and meaningful way with Lewis’s guide to clean every room of your house.

Included in this book are methods on how to upcycle household items, how to organize, and recipes for natural cleaning products. Follow along with the positive affirmations and actionable insights to really make the most of this book.

Pick up one of these books to help you achieve your New Year’s resolutions this year. Find happiness, learn some healthy habits, and most importantly—make sure you don’t have a New Year’s resolutions fail! Happy New Year!


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