Villa del Palmar Cancun
Luxury Beach Resort & Spa
stay fit on vacation|Yoga|Staying Fit on Vacation at Villa del Palmar Cancun|Yoga|Aqua Fitness|Aqua Zumba

Staying Fit on Vacation at Villa del Palmar Cancun

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If you value staying fit and taking care of your overall wellness, you may not necessarily want to take a break from your fitness routine simply because you are on vacation at Villa del Palmar Cancun. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways for you to stay in shape, even when you are enjoying a much-deserved getaway in paradise. It might seem difficult to find the time to devote to a full workout session, but studies have shown that even small amounts of activity can really add up. Whether you are swimming in the pool or sea or going for a long walk on the beach, staying active is easy while you are on vacation in Cancun. What’s more, the resort offers a state of the art gym that has a workout and yoga room plus a variety of cardio and resistance machines.

The resort also has a fantastic activities calendar that includes group workout classes. Staying fit on vacation at Villa del Palmar Cancun is truly so much fun! When you are in the mood to experience the joy and camaraderie of a group atmosphere, try one of these terrific activities:

Yoga Class

Yoga class at villa del palmar

What could be more restorative to the mind, body and spirit than a beachfront yoga session at Villa del Palmar Cancun? Join in a yoga class held every other day on La Casona’s terrace which overlooks the stunning turquoise-hued waters of the Caribbean Sea. Fine-tune your downward dog while a motivational instructor guides you through a series of poses as the sun rises in the sky. There is something especially inspiring about beginning your day amongst the peaceful tranquility of the sea, where the gentle crash of the waves upon the sand has a calming effect on the soul. All you need to do is show up to class with an open heart and mind; everything else you need will be provided including mats, props and towels.

Aqua Fitness

Aqua Fitness at villa del palmar cancun

Aqua Fitness, which is also referred to as Aqua Gym, is a splendid water workout that focuses on toning the muscles. During this class, you will engage in a number of exercises that are also commonly performed on the ground, but you will have the added advantage of the weightless effect offered by working out in the swimming pool. Aqua Fitness is easy on the joints and muscles because it is low impact, which is helpful when recovering from injuries or avoiding them in the first place.

These workouts help improve general physical condition while going through a sequence of exercises that target specific muscle groups in the upper body, core and lower body. One of the fantastic things about Aqua Fitness is that anyone can participate no matter their age, muscle tone or physical ability. Each exercise can be customized with an intensity level that is just right for your own personal abilities. You will be guided by the trained instructor on how to modify each exercise to your fitness level.

Aqua Zumba at Villa del Palmar

Aqua Zumba at villa del palmar cancun

Why engage in a typical workout like running on a treadmill when you could burn a ton of calories while having a blast dancing to lively music in the water? Aqua Zumba is a fantastic form of water exercise that the whole family will love with dance moves set to Latin rhythms and international music. You will be guided by an enthusiastic instructor through a series of aqua-aerobic exercises spiced up with extra Latin flair.

Aqua Fitness at villa del palmar cancun

As long as you are able to get into the water and follow basic instructions, you can participate in this delightful class. Aqua Zumba incorporates many fun dance moves that differ from typical aquatic aerobics, making the experience fresh and exciting. Since the weather in Cancun is typically hot and sunny, Aqua Zumba is perfectly suited to the local climate. Instead of working up a major sweat in a traditional Zumba class, you will be able to stay cool by exercising in the pool.

When it comes to staying fit on vacation at Villa del Palmar Cancun, you can clearly see that the resort has amazing options that will keep you in shape and put a smile on your face, too!


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