Villa del Palmar Cancun
Luxury Beach Resort & Spa
Good night at villa del palmar cancún|||

Getting a Good Night’s Sleep at Villa Del Palmar Cancun

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Most people take a vacation as means of fitting in some relaxation in an otherwise hectic life.  For some of us, however, traveling is often a trigger for restless nights and less, not more, sleep.  The unfamiliar noises, foreign shadows dancing on the walls, and the dreaded jet lag that comes with changing locations and timezones is often enough to keep one from getting a good night’s sleep.

Jet lag, also known as time zone change syndrome, occurs when people travel rapidly through time zones causing the body’s natural circadian rhythms to be thrown off balance.  Once the flow of our natural clock is upset, it can be hard getting back into the swing of things, especially with the headaches, indigestion and fatigue that are the common symptoms of the traveling illness.  With a bit of advanced planning, one can avoid jet lag and get a good night’s sleep, especially when staying in one of Villa Del Palmar Cancun’s air conditioned suites, complete with blackout curtains and extra comfortable beds.

Relax at the beach
Relax at the beach

Tips for Ensuring a Good Night’s Sleep while Vacationing at Villa Del Palmar Cancun

  • Drink plenty of fluids before, during and after travel.  Dehydration can intensify headaches and fatigue, making it hard to get decent sleep.
  • Begin adjusting your bedtime to match that of your destination a week before you travel.  If you start going to bed 15 to 30 minutes earlier, or later depending on your location, it will be easier to stay in sync with local time once you arrive.
  • Make it a point to be well rested before you leave.  Staying up late packing and rushing around to finish last minute projects can leave you feeling exhausted days after you’ve arrived to your destination.
  • Don’t plan a heavy schedule on the first few days of your vacation.  Give your body some time to recuperate before you head out on any adventures.
  • Pack a pair of earplugs and an eye mask even if you’re a heavy sleeper.  Unfamiliar noises and shadows can cause you to lose sleep even when they should be enjoyable.
  • Set the air conditioning in your suite to a comfortable level, but be careful not to make it too cold.  Experts agree that a colder environment is ideal for quality sleep, but when the body is too cold, it can have the opposite effect.
  • Freshen up before going to bed.  Washing away the sweat and grime that has built up throughout the day is crucial to getting a good night’s sleep.  You might even enjoy a dip in your suite’s jacuzzi tub to completely relax before bedtime.  Add some lavender, valerian or chamomile to the water and you’ll have the perfect concoction for a divine night’s rest.
  • Stay active throughout your vacation.  Whether participating in one of the resort’s various activities or taking a stroll down the white sand beach, you’ll be releasing some built up energy making it easier to hit the pillow at night.
  • Indulge in everything, but in moderation.  Drinking and eating too much, especially before bedtime can cause one to toss and turn at night, making it hard to feel well rested in the morning.
Paddle boarding in Villa del Palmar Cancun
Paddle boarding in Villa del Palmar Cancun

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